
Warfighter Modern - Wave 3 - Shadow War

Created by Dan Verssen Games

Our Warfighter Modern series takes you into the world of Night Combat with Shadow War!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Cards Charged- Check your emails.
over 5 years ago – Thu, May 30, 2019 at 07:09:47 PM


I charged cards this morning and a good chunk of them failed to charge. If your card failed you will have received an email from Backerkit to fix your card. Please do this asap :)

Thank you,


Electronic Proofs - Done!
over 5 years ago – Sat, May 25, 2019 at 01:20:21 AM

Hey everyone,

So the electronic files looked great and are all approved!

We are still in the process of figuring out if we can rush the project at all to avoid the impending taxes for importing from China. I will keep you updated if any rush will be able to occur.

For now, if we have our normal speed schedule, we should receive physical paper proofs in about 3-4 weeks, final proofs about 2 weeks after that and theoretically shipping in 6-8 weeks. 

I will let you now when we receive the physical paper proofs.



P.S. reminder that the backerkit will close on Wednesday morning.

Closing Backerkit Early
over 5 years ago – Wed, May 22, 2019 at 03:46:05 PM


We will be closing the Backerkit next Wednesday 5/29 so that we have the extra funds from it to help rush along the printing process and potentially to pay for the taxes mentioned in the previous update if we need to. 

We are slowly proofing through electronic proofs as the printer sends them to us, we have received most of them at this time with some very minor edits, which is very good! It means there are no major revamps at this point so the schedule should continue moving along at a decent pace. 

I will let you all know as we find out more about the taxes on exporting from China and how this will affect our products.

Get your final orders in and check your addresses :)



Regarding import taxes on Board Games
over 5 years ago – Thu, May 16, 2019 at 01:12:35 AM

"DVG News…

If you’ve been following the news, you’ve seen the stories about the US-China trade war. It’s true, the trade war is going to levy duties on game products leaving China that were not previously in place. The estimate is a duty of 25% added to the cost of the games.

To put this into perspective, I received a phone call from our printer in China yesterday. We’ve worked together for years, and this is maybe the second or third time they’ve called. All our communications are done via email. They wanted to reach out to make sure I understood that this is a very bad thing.

The printer confirmed the duty, and said the exact date will probably be sometime in June, and all games leaving China after that will have the extra cost, which they must of course pass on to me.

This catches DVG at a bad time as we have Castle Itter, Pavlov’s House reprint, and all of Warfighter Shadow War being printed right now. None of them are exiting China before the deadline.

What this means…

There has been talk of companies with games that were funded with Kickstarter months ago, adjusting the pricing in the pledge manager to take the duty increase into account. I will make every attempt not to have to do this. However, I will probably need to increase the MSRPs for this wave of games before they ship out through the distribution channels.

I sincerely hope the two countries can work something out in the coming weeks to cancel the proposed duty increase.

In closing, it would be very easy for this to turn into a political thread, let’s not. Once the discussion turns political, it will go from civil discourse to flaming circus in about 3 posts."

This shouldn't affect your order in a negative way, if anything our printer is working there hardest to ship the products earlier to avoid the June 24th implementation of this taxes. We don't have enough info at this time if our timeline will be expedited but we will keep you in the loop as we get more information. 

Also, with MSRP's increasing outside of the Backerkit, I would highly suggest buying everything you want now on Backerkit at these prices. We will not be able to offer them again in future Kickstarters.

If you have any questions please email me [email protected]



David Thompson's Newest Game Kickstarter!
over 5 years ago – Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 11:32:23 PM

David Thompson, the designer of Castle Itter and Pavlov's House, just launched a new Kickstarter for his Apocalyptic tactical skirmish game "For What Remains"! For What Remains plays in both solitaire and multiplayer modes! The Kickstarter just launched today and we need your support to make his game a reality!